Limit Breaker Social
Potluck & Open Mic
A Divergent Production!
This isn't even my final form!
* Limit Breaker, a Divergent production at Denver's Dangerous Theatre, is an uncensored (18+) open-mic variety show which champions brave space for all of the invisibles, anons, and outcasts who are
accustomed to living on the fringes of society, whether by birth or by choice: be you queer, an otaku, a
furry, a vampire, a kinkster, a reincarnated slime, or all of the above. Now is the time to slither out of your den of plushies and take over the world in a magnificent shower of sparkles and pleather sweat!
What the glob is a brave space?
* A brave space is more than a physically accessible place (although it’s that, too). It’s a state of mind
where people challenge themselves and each other to be bold, honest, and unique. In other words,
authentic. Only you know how to be you. Maybe that's best expressed by cosplaying an angry cinnamon bun and presenting a history of memes, or maybe it's twerking in drag to kpop. Seize the stage. Laugh in the face of danger. Love your journey.
* Sign-ups are first come, first serve to the first 20 cannibals. You’re welcome to sign up after the roster hits 20, but there is no guarantee you will be able to perform.
* On the sign-up sheet, you will be able to indicate your stage name, preferred pronouns, whether or not you will require an accessible stage, the type of performance, the name of your performance, and whether or not you have a special introduction prepared for the MC to read.
* Performances are limited to 5 minutes.
What should I expect from Limit Breaker?
* Before your performance, the stage manager, Alias, will direct you backstage to await your cue.
The MC, the lovably insane jester, Sylvane Spectre, will introduce you to the audience, and if you
brought music, the stage manager will play it. (Pro Tip™: Ensure there is enough time at the beginning of the track to dart out from the screen or curtain and be in position after you're announced, about 5-10
* After the finale, there will be one last hurrah, where everyone in-house may join together to sing and
dance to a silly song. Bonus points if you don't fall down. Extra bonus points if you make it look like you
fell on purpose!
* Then the MC will release the spell and set you freaks loose upon the city.
How much?
If you are performing it is FREE to do so.If you just want to attend the social and watch the show it is $10, cash or venmo only at the door. From 6-7 is a potluck social, so feel free to bring something to share, but totally not required.
There are two gender-neutral single stall bathrooms. One is accessible.
Time Table:
6:00 Doors open
6:30 sign-ups begin
7:00 Performances start ☆
9:00 Show's over! Donate tips, submit an event survey, and mingle!
10:00 Everyone out, for real! Shoo! See you next month!
Party Bears:
Director and Stage Manager: Alias (he/ him/ his)
MC: Sylvane Spectre (they/ them/ their)
PLAY*GROUND Owner: Winnie (they/ them & she/ her)